A continuation of the original A Day at Gridline Games story from August of 2007. It establishes the idea that each story would be told from a different person's point of view. I believe this one to be that of Mark Gillie. Gridline Games' Co-CEO.
Another Day at Gridline Games
A continuation of "A Day at Gridline Games."
Table of Contents
- Chapter 5: Another Day, Same Shit
-- Part 1: Speak No Evil
-- Part 2: A Game at Gridline Games
-- Part 3: Bieber Goes #3
-- Part 4: The Side Project
-- Part 5: ...
Chapter 5: Another Day, Same Shit
Now with a slightly more cohesive story!
Part 1: Speak No Evil
Three weeks have passed since the business next door, Space Monkey Software, burned to the ground. It left Gordon, James, and Marlon out of work. Yes, they survived the fire. Although, Gordon suffered several broken bones following his flight out of a third story window. As I understand it, they were in the process of developing a Galactic Struggle III using portions of our very own game, Space Ruckus. We have Dave to thank for saving the day. He has become a hero to many of us around the Gridline Games office. In fact, we even posted a bulletin board on the wall to keep track of such incidents, and the heroics of certain team members. Among the entries is Mike's battle with the Velorian race in 2001, but that seems to be more of a legend, as he is the only developer left over from that time period. Just then, Mike interrupted my day dreaming to remind me of our scheduled weekly meeting in the board room...
Part 2: A Game at Gridline Games
As we convened in the board room, Allen began to propose a new game idea. I interrupted him to point out that he was assuming the job of Merrick. Mike corrected me by saying that he had never officially worked for Gridline Games, and for good reason, too. Then, Allen continued to propose his game idea. He suggested that we design a game based on the recent events transpiring around Space Monkey Software. Everyone seemed to like the idea. That is, except for the new recruit standing in the back of the room...
Part 3: Bieber Goes #3
The recruit may have been new to Gridline Games, but many of our team members were familiar with his past work at Biebersoft. Yes, I am referring to Jordan Bieber. As it turns out, his company collapsed upon itself following the release of Bubba's 3rd Movement. As if Bubba in the Turd Dimension and Bubba Goes #2 were not bad enough. After finding himself out of work, he applied for a job at Gridline Games. In an attempt to keep his warped mind out of the creative process, we gave him an intern position. As many people know, ever since the Clinton Administration, interns have had a bad rap. Everyone likes to bitch slap them around, force them into compromising situations, and order them around like animals. They do not have much say in anything.
Up Next...
Part 4: The Side Project
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