Life, the ultimate expression of self. To experience that which cannot be experienced in any other form. The unknown; the uncertainty; the risk which arises only from the act of being physically tethered. Life is, in and of itself, a school system. A place to learn; to grow; to evolve consciousness. A place to experience a wide range of emotions. One cannot truly appreciate happiness without knowing sadness, and one cannot know sadness without knowing happiness. It is the yin and the yang of existence. We are the universe experiencing itself and our journey has only just begun...
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Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Le Médaillon (The Locket)
-- Part 1: Pour Toi, Mon Amour (For You, My Love)
-- Part 2: Violettes Sont Bleues (Violets Are Blue)
-- Part 3: Est Ce Juste Fantasme? (Is This Just Fantasy?)
-- Part 4: Notre Jour Spécial (Our Special Day)
-- Part 5: Un Nouveau Monde Réveille (A New World Awakens)
- Chapter 2: Grand-père (Grandfather)
-- Part 1: 私たちは家族です (We Are Family)
-- Part 2: ウィーバー (The Weaver)
-- Part 3: ザ・ギャザリング、パート I (The Gathering, Part I)
-- Part 4: 部屋の象 (Elephant in the Room)
-- Part 5: 祖父と私 (Grandfather and I)
- Chapter 3: Bon Voyage
-- Part 1: Through the Years
-- Part 2: The Gathering, Part II
-- Part 3: Alka-Seltzer
-- Part 4: Love. Only Love
- Chapter 0: The Sea Before Me
-- Part 1: From Henry to Martha
-- Part 2: Better Call Paul
-- Part 3: Bob
-- Part 4: The Gathering, Part III
-- Part 5: Genesis II: Electric Boogaloo
- Epilogue
- Ami Travers Timeline
As Just Another Day 3 begins, we travel in space and time;
We want to stay, we want to go;
We see our face, but it's not ours;
What we can't see, we'll never know...
Chapter 1: Le Médaillon (The Locket)
Now with more charm than Prince Charming!
Part 1: Pour Toi, Mon Amour (For You, My Love)
My grandmother was a heartfelt kind of soul. She always knew just how to make a girl feel special. Goosebumps form in the core of my being while recounting fond afternoons in her company. When I felt down, she knew just the right thing to say. As my grandmother would often say, "You can be anything you wish to be, darling. Once you set your heart on something, the world is your oyster. Never let anyone crush your spirit." Of course, there is one day in particular I will never forget. The day I found my grandmother's secret locket.
On that fateful day, I came to my grandmother and said, "Why is the attic door always locked?" She replied in a playful manner, "There are things up there you wouldn't understand, Ami. Maybe when you're older." It would seem I was old enough, because that just happened to be the day I found the key to my grandmother's attic in her study. As I turned the door handle, I felt a shiver down the back of my spine. It may not seem so now, but at the time, the room was a spectacle to behold. A splendid ray of sunlight shimmered down from an above window. The room was filled with treasures my young eyes had never seen before. Regal dresses my grandmother had worn in the prime of her life, various family heirlooms, and at the center of it all, an old rusty locked chest. I wondered if my grandmother's attic key would work. It was worth a shot. I heard a rather distinctive click. Carefully, I lifted the lid of the chest, revealing the delicate contents within. Scattered about were an assortment of family photographs, handmade jewelry, and one especially eye catching item. An old silver locket. I reached out for the locket and held it in my hands for a moment. I then proceeded to open it. There were two photographs inside. One of them was a picture of my grandmother, but I did not recognize the other.
It would be several days before I worked up the courage to ask my grandmother about the locket's meaning. With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I approached her slowly with the locket in hand. She was sitting quietly on the porch of our house. I said with intense curiosity, "Who is the man in this picture, gram gram's?" She replied with a shocked expression, "Wherever did you find that locket?" I said again with even deeper curiosity, "Who is he?" My grandmother said with loving eyes, "Please sit down, Ami." She took a very deep breath as I made myself comfortable. She took the locket from my hands and held it tight. With tears in her eyes, she said, "There are things up there you wouldn't understand, Ami. The man in this photograph is your grandfather. Your true grandfather." My grandmother paused for a moment, weary from her moment of recollection. She continued with a heavy heart, "Your grandfather died in the war. Do you yet know what death means?" I said with a certain degree of confidence, "People leave and they don't come back." My grandmother collected herself and said, "I don't know if I've ever heard it put so simply, but you're right." She then placed the locket back in my hands. She said with kindness of heart, "You found this. Take good care of it." From that day forward, the locket was entrusted into my special care...
Part 2: Violettes Sont Bleues (Violets Are Blue)
My grandmother took great pride in her garden. She was especially fond of her daffodils. A stunning white flower with six petals extending from a bright yellow corona. Her garden included a diverse range of other very beautiful flowers. I always found the violets of particular interest. As the old saying goes, "Roses are red, violets are blue," but the violets always struck me as purple. I loved them all the same. Their unique colour had a certain calming effect. Something I would be in desperate need of in the days that followed.
That late spring morning was just like any other day. A marvelous ray of sunshine filled my room, the blue kingfisher birds were humming outside my window and my grandmother was tending to her garden. It differed from other days when she called out for me like never before. She shouted in an apparent panic, "Ami! Darling! Come quick!" I always had such sharp hearing. I could still remember the sound she made when she fell to the ground. It was absolutely horrific. I ran to her side as fast as I could. Grasping her cold hand, I said with fear, "Gram gram's, what's wrong?" My grandmother whispered softly, "Ami, you're a treasure greater than any other. You can be anything you wish to be. My heart. My heart tells me you will make this world a better place. Ami, I..." As she began to lose consciousness, I shouted to a nearby neighbour, "Call for help! Please!" I turned back to my grandmother and said with tears in my eyes, "Don't go. People leave and they don't come back. Come back. Please come back." My grandmother was a heartfelt kind of soul...
Part 3: Est Ce Juste Fantasme? (Is This Just Fantasy?)
Funerals are not the appropriate galas for a young girl to attend, but my grandmother's was handled exceptionally well. I had but the briefest of moments to mourn before my grandmother's house was listed for sale and I was moved into an orphanage in Paris. I had no living relatives to claim me. It would be an understatement to say that adjustment was difficult. However, I made a few new friends along the way. One twelve year old boy had recently lost his father to cancer. His name was Timothy and he loved astronomy. The orphanage seemed cold compared to my grandmother's house, but there was great warmth in the people who occupied its halls. The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. One very dark summers night, we made a secret pact to run away together. We would leave early in the morning before the orderlies came around. Our destination? The one happy place in Paris where children can truly be children.
Morning light broke just as we ventured onto Avenue Paul Séramy. With Disneyland Paris in sight, Timothy quickly devised a plan to slip past the gate attendants. I would cry out for my grandmother, thereby providing a necessary distraction for the others to enter the park. When I was taken to the lost and found, I would make a daring escape. It worked like a charm. I reunited with my fellow orphans on Main Street U.S.A., filled with its splendor and ragtime music. We pressed onward into the happiest kingdom of them all, Fantasyland. It must have happened about the time we first passed underneath Sleeping Beauty's Castle. We were all wishing for the same thing. Needless to say, the day was about to get a whole lot more interesting.
A panic began to spread throughout the park. One middle aged gentleman, pale as a ghost, ran past screaming incoherently, "What kind of Disney sorcery is this?" It was not long at all before there was a state of total anarchy. The ride attendants had abandoned their posts and guests were exiting the rides in droves. In the ensuing chaos, I lost sight of my friends from the orphanage. I just so happened to spot a service dog in the midst of it all. Being the insatiable animal lover that I was, I decided to stay with it until I could find its owner. The dog approached a man who appeared relatively unshaken by the events surrounding him. He spoke in a soft but almost melodramatic tone, "Ami Travers, it was very sweet of you to return my dog. Where have your friends ventured off to, I wonder?" How this man knew my name I could not say, but there was certainly something comforting about his presence. He said with a smile on his face, "I know your name, but you don't know mine. I am called Refael. And I think the rest of your party should be arriving soon." I casually looked around the land, but saw nobody of interest. When I turned back to face the man, he was nowhere to be seen...
Part 4: Notre Jour Spécial (Our Special Day)
I came to a rest on a vacant bench across from Camelot's Carousel. The frantic crowds had dispersed somewhat. I was left very much alone with my thoughts. For that brief moment, it was as if there was total silence. It was only broken by the sound of a familiar voice. A voice that said with tenderness, "People leave and they don't come back. But they do watch over from time to time." In all my years of life, my face never lit up more than it did in that moment. My grandmother was a heartfelt kind of soul. I stood from the bench and said with great joy, "Gram gram's! Did you change your hair?" She smiled, took my hand and said, "Ami, we have this precious day together. Tomorrow will be too late. Will you be my guide to the Magic Kingdom?" I said with tears of happiness, "Aye aye, captain!" We held each other close and charted a course for adventure.
That was the most magical day ever. I had not felt a sense of happiness so wonderful in months. It was a shame all the rides were down, but my grandmother and I were not ones to complain. Of course, we would ultimately have that one special ride together. As the day turned into night, more guests began to pack into the park. These guests were unlike the ones from before. They were here for their loved ones. Their departed loved ones. Having made a round trip of the park, my grandmother and I made our way back to Fantasyland. Perhaps it was the eclectic energy levels or simply the state of abandonment that caused the power transformers to explode. I could not say. In the shuffle, my grandmother and I became separated. I was found by two of the kindest hearted individuals on the planet. Their names were Pōru and Isabella. Pōru was a Japanese native whose father, Michael, was born in America, and Isabella was an American who knew more than a thing or two about electrical engineering. When I cried out for my grandmother, whom I had last seen near Peter Pan's Flight, Isabella whisked me into her loving arms and carried me over yonder. My grandmother said with joy, "Ami! You know I don't like to see you run off like that!" I said happily, "I know... I'm sorry! Can we see the pirates now?" I took my grandmother's hand and we ventured into a very darkened Adventureland. Pōru and Isabella were left somewhat speechless.
Dead men tell no tale. They leave the tale telling to women. Just like recounting fond afternoons from my youth, goosebumps formed in every fabric of my being as my grandmother and I arrived outside the entrance to Pirates of the Caribbean. Somehow, I knew it would be our last adventure together. It was pitch black inside the queue space. A lesser girl would have turned and run screaming in the other direction. Not me. I had to be strong for my grandmother. I took her hand firmly in mine and together we boarded an empty boat. We sat there for what seemed like hours. My grandmother reminisced about her days of yore, her first crush and her past mistakes. She said with a spark of light, "If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't change a thing." She held her head high and said, "Ami, you're a treasure greater than any other. My greatest treasure." Her rays illuminated the boat enough that I could see her once more. I gave her a great big hug and said with tears flowing down the side of my face, "I love you, gram gram's!" My grandmother said with all the light in her being, "Ami, I... I will always love you." The waters beneath our boat began to shake vigorously. A tremendous force pushed us forward into the lagoon. The attraction flickered to life. As we approached the watery lifthill, I heard the distinctive sound of clanking gears. I said to my grandmother with great sorrow, "Why do things have to be like this?" She replied in her usual playful manner, "There are things up there you wouldn't understand, Ami. Maybe when you're older." I felt a cold shiver down the back of my spine. There was no longer darkness. Only light. Very bright and magnificent light. I said while holding my grandmother's hand tightly, "Que sera, sera?" Her very last words were, "Love. Only love." I felt her slipping away. I lost my grasp of her hand as the boat began to rock back and forth. The light had permeated all that I could see. I passed out from fatigue and came to back at the darkened station, alone...
Part 5: Un Nouveau Monde Réveille (A New World Awakens)
I found myself in a dense fog upon returning to the walkways of Adventureland. My eyes fixed firmly on my feet. If it had not been for the commotion on Main Street U.S.A., I may never have found my way. A number of guests had begun an apparent pilgrimage. I did not know to where they were bound at the time, but I decided to follow in their footsteps. Besides, I was beginning to grow concerned for my fellow orphans. In all the excitement, I had nearly forgotten about them. I passed through the gates of the Magic Kingdom and into the esplanade. The crowd was entering the adjacent park. It was surrounded by sheer rock cliffs. As I came to enter the park, the moonlight revealed a seedy spaceport filled with shopping and dining areas. None of which were currently powered. I happened to spot two familiar faces from earlier that evening. Pōru said to Isabella, "Liam would love this." Isabella replied playfully, "Liam? I think his father, Mark, would be the envious one right now!" Liam and Mark were unknown to me, but if they were as nice as Pōru and Isabella, I would have loved to made their acquaintance. Pōru ventured into a backstage area to find a few backup generators under the special orders of Isabella. I then ever so slowly approached her. I stopped and stared into her eyes for a moment. In a tender voice, I said, "Gram gram's went home." Isabella gave me a hug and said with hope in her eyes, "It will be okay. I don't know how yet, but it will be okay." I watched as she made fast work of two electrical access panels. A nearby attraction with a rusty space freighter outside briefly sprung to life, but it did not appear to be the doing of Isabella. Pōru soon returned with four backup generators in a pushcart. Isabella attached the generators to the access panels. Everyone gathered around. Both the living and the dead. A few street lights flickered as the generators struggled to start. There was a very faint rumbling sound off in the distance. Isabella knew it was not nearly enough power. In the true spirit of Disneyland, she said aloud, "Think happy thoughts. If you believe, it will be! Trust in the magic of the night!" I could clearly see she was crossing her fingers behind her back. Everyone thought of their happiest moments with friends and family. An intense euphoria filled the land. Everyone felt goosebumps up and down the back of their spines. The generators may not have been enough, but the power of the human spirit had no equal. Suddenly, the street lights began to pulse very brightly, and soon enough, the night sky illuminated with star ships of every kind. A beautiful melody, which I later learned was titled Carrie On, played vibrantly through the loudspeakers. Everyone looked onward with starry eyes while holding the hand of their departed loved one. The goosebumps intensified. Electricity filled the air. The Earth began to vibrate. It felt like an earthquake, but it was merely the manifested energy of the crowd. Bright flashes basked the land in a magnificent white light. The same light I had previously seen with my grandmother. A number of guests shouted, "C'est beau!" Tears of joy were shed collectively. Pōru took Isabella in his arms and gave her a very passionate kiss. Pure light surrounded everything and everyone. C'est beau, indeed.
Morning light broke over the horizon. I rubbed my weary eyes, having slept beside a park bench most of the night. Pōru and Isabella were nowhere to be found, but there were a number of other sleeping park guests. The remaining dearly departed were also unaccounted for, but I had this strange sense they were okay wherever they were. I picked myself up and made haste for the park exit. Upon entering the esplanade, I caught sight of Timothy and the other orphans. Timothy said with care, "Ami, where have you been all this time?" I replied with a heavy heart, "With my grandmother... and a few new friends." Timothy said with sadness in his eyes, "I saw my father. We rode Space Mountain together." He froze for a moment and said, "Do you think things will be different now?" I said honestly, "Who can say for sure." I felt a sudden tugging sensation in the direction of Main Street U.S.A. I decided to investigate further. I came to a coffee shop where a man was desperately trying to brew a cup of coffee. It was Pōru. I said with warmth, "Hi there, stranger." Pōru looked a bit shaken. I could tell his night carried on for a bit longer than mine. He looked as if he had taken a celestial journey across the cosmos. He said with an abundance of love, "Ami... Your grandmother wished me to tell you she enjoyed her special day with you, even if your cherished time together was cut short." I pulled my grandmother's locket from my pocket and read the inscription aloud, "For you, my love. From Henry to Martha." Who can say for sure, but maybe things will be different now...
As Chapter 1 comes to a close, don't worry. Everything will turn out alright.
Chapter 2: Grand-père (Grandfather)
Now with more love than Woodstock 1969!
Part 1: 私たちは家族です (We Are Family)
My teenage years were some of the happiest of my life. I had everything a girl could ask for and so very much more. A beautiful house to live in, a loving family who cared deeply about me and quite possibly the most breathtaking vistas on the planet. My father's zen garden, his father's zen garden before him, was an especially calming place to visit. I would meditate there from time to time. My kindhearted mother approached me on one of those occasions. She said with a smile, "Ami, if you spend all day in meditation, you'll never see this world in earnest." My mother was right, of course. I gave her an enormous hug and said, "Give father my very best." As I made my way out the door, she said with a grin on her face, "Pōru may be busy for awhile. He's in a conference with Liam." I set off on another one of my adventures.
Our world had changed considerably since the time of the awakening. Unusual experiences were not limited to France. It was felt everywhere from Tokyo, Japan to Wheeler, Indiana. My adoptive parents, Pōru and Isabella, had been witness to that. Society as we knew it no longer exists. The rich and powerful governments of the world were the first to fall. It was a time of rejoicing for many who had become hopelessly impoverished through the years. Mankind had moved beyond the need for wealth. It chose instead to better itself and its fellow creatures. There were no more wars; no more needless deaths. Mankind's new currency was love. Only love.
I followed the meandering path through the hillside. The very same path Pōru and his father, Michael, had previously followed. I passed by an old creek. It always felt as if the stream of water were composing a beautiful melody. I often wondered if the birds and the trees were backup musicians. I briefly caught a glimpse of a woodland creature. It scampered past so quickly, I could just barely make it out. It was a tanuki. Pōru taught me that they are compassionate fathers and take an active role in the parenting of pups. However, some folks used to consider them omens of misfortune. I always found that quite amusing. They were simply adorable creatures. The scent of the honeysuckle flower was an indication I was nearing my destination...
Part 2: ウィーバー (The Weaver)
The village was a wonderful place filled with a diverse group of people. I could feel a sense of intense euphoria each and every time I wandered into its vicinity. The structures were very old. Quite possibly hundreds of years. They were wooden structures with curved roofs which extended far beyond the walls. As I entered the village, one lady said with warmth of heart, "Ami, I see you're travelling alone today." I replied with a smile, "I'm never truly alone." Another villager said with a gleam in her eyes, "Trade a kindness for a kindness?" I gave the woman a hug, filled her basket with fruit from my travels in the hillside and said, "Keep it. I have enough kindnesses." She said overjoyed, "Bless you, Ami Hajimari!"
I next made my way into the crafting shop. The previous owner had retired some years before the awakening. His son now ran the store in his stead. He had bright blue eyes, long flowing brown hair and a beard that really spoke to me. His name was James. One of the ladies who supervised the shop approached me and said kindly, "Ami, what brings you in here today?" I said with a genuine sense of wonder, "Kiko, I felt something about this place I hadn't felt before." Kiko said with a smile, "I know that feeling. If you need any help with anything, anything at all, I'll be here." I ventured deeper into the crafting shop. Weaved containers lined the shelf. I felt a sudden tugging sensation in the direction of the store room around back.
The store room was rather inconspicuous. An old rustic door gave way to a room filled with sewing machines. Some of them were practically ancient in design. A few half weaved baskets and containers laid in wait for someone to finish them. My eyes were suddenly drawn to a photograph on the back wall. It depicted James on one side and his father on the other. There was something familiar about his face. I had seen him somewhere before. As I turned to face the door, I felt a strange vibration about the room. My vision became ever so blurry. I watched in surprise as the walls grew more and more unfocused. A dulled light extended from their crevices. The walls shifted and splintered. I felt a tremendous shaking beneath my feet. The floor, the walls and the sewing machines vanished into an infinite abyss. The store room had stripped away all but its old rustic door. I cautiously approached the door, turned the handle and entered the next room...
Part 3: ザ・ギャザリング、パート I (The Gathering, Part I)
I felt a cold chill sweep threw my very being. It was, at first, difficult for my eyes to adjust to the intensity of the light which surrounded me. I could just barely make out a few fuzzy structures in the distance. They did not appear to remain in place. It was as if they were gliding about. There was a sense of great knowledge and understanding. A single thought surfaced from deep within my mind. A wellspring. It was a vast and wondrous wellspring. Individuals came here to prepare themselves for their next journey in life. An array of stars appeared before me. It was the cosmos. All of creation. Just a blip from the place where I was currently standing. A tiny dot.
My ears began to tingle. I could overhear several distinct voices. A sudden rush of wind thrust me forward. There were two beings in mid-conversation. One of them said with a bright glow, "You are standing on the precipice of something far greater, but this feeling tells me you're not quite ready." The other being said dimly, "I didn't do enough. I couldn't make a real difference." A third being joined the gathering and said proudly, "You were never a failure in my eyes. Everyone just has a way of misunderstanding. As you said yourself, everything is in the eye of the beholder." The dimly lit being said with confidence, "I know what I have to do. As much as it pains me, the clustered sea of consciousness will have to wait a bit longer for my arrival." A force greater than any other flung me back. All the way back to the store room. As I lifted my head from the floor, James opened the old rustic door and said with a smile, "Ami, if you wanted to help out around here, you could've just asked." He appeared to be basked in a ray of sunlight. I collected myself and made my way out of the bizarre store room...
Part 4: 部屋の象 (Elephant in the Room)
I rushed back to my parents' humble abode in a foggy, somewhat shaken state of mind. My mother, Isabella, had been resting on the porch anxiously awaiting my return. She could read me like a book. In a panic, she said, "Are you alright, Ami? What happened?" I replied with both fear and excitement, "I think I had my first vision today." Isabella took my hand and said with kindness of heart, "It may be time we all sat down and had that talk." Once we were inside the house, Pōru came out from the study and said, "Liam is at it again. He thinks he can top Project Dandelion with Project Eclipse." He paused for a brief moment, realizing something was wrong, and then said fearfully, "What is it?" Isabella informed Pōru of my first vision and we proceeded to the living room.
We sat in a circle on the living room floor. I began the conversation by first describing the photograph I had seen in the store room. I said with a glimmer in my eyes, "It was a photograph of the village craftsman, James, and his father. His father. I never met him here in Japan, but I... I did see him in Paris the day of the awakening. He told me his name was Refael. I didn't feel comfortable talking to James about this." Pōru and Isabella looked each other in the eye with a certain intensity. It was as if they were trying to decide who should speak first. Pōru nodded ever so slightly at Isabella. She said while holding Pōru's hand, "Refael is difficult to explain. He also came to your father and I the day of the awakening. He was simultaneously in Kyoto and Indiana... and from the sound of things, Paris as well. He brought us together. All of us." I said while tilting my head to one side, "Is he God?" Pōru chuckled and said, "That's open to interpretation." I paused for the briefest of moments and said, "You mean, like, everything is in the eye of the beholder?" Pōru looked as though he were suddenly stricken with an illness. He said with wonder in his eyes, "Wait, where did you hear that?" I was distracted momentarily by the sound of footsteps from upstairs. A voice called out from the stairwell, "She has seen him. I may be getting old, but I still have perfect hearing." It was Pōru's mother, Noemi. My new grandmother.
Noemi joined the circle. Her words carried great significance. She knew of things few others dared to speak. In a raspy voice, she said, "You saw him. I can tell." Noemi reached out for my hand and said with a smile, "My Aratana. Michael. Pōru saw him too. In waking dreams." Pōru said with immense curiosity, "My father. What else did he say?" I took a moment to collect my thoughts before I said with a degree of uncertainty, "It was very fuzzy. I couldn't make out who was who. There were multiple beings. He said something about not doing enough. He said he knew what he had to do." Noemi pondered. Her eyes began to widen. She said, "Pōru, do you think he could mean what I think he does?" Pōru shook his head and said, "I've heard the story before. How he glimpsed his previous life as Howard Moore. I've seen a lot of things, but reincarnation is still a tough pill to swallow." I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I decided to excuse myself from the circle. I said with fatigue, "I want to lay down for awhile." That was the first and last time we spoke about that...
Part 5: 祖父と私 (Grandfather and I)
Months passed before I had the courage to visit the burial site of my grandfather, Michael. It was the eve of my seventeenth year. A strange occasion to venture into a cemetery, but the Tengoku Shrine was on my way home from a trip to the west. I was taken aback by the scent of incense. We used incense sticks around the house, but it was never so profound. It was a bit surreal and overpowering. I very slowly entered the graveyard. I felt a slight tremble. There were so many headstones. So many who had gone before. Most of them were prior to the awakening. Michael being one of them. I sat down beside his marker and carefully laid a few flowers. Planting them firmly in the ground so as the wind would not blow them away. I said aloud, "I'm sorry I never had the chance to know you. Pōru has said some amazing things about you. He said you were quite the writer." I dusted the old headstone. It read in plain English, "I came into this life a destructive force of nature. I was, in my own way, ever curious about the world around me. I just failed to show it in an appropriate manner. Being the slow learner that I was, I would often paint my own version of reality based upon my then limited comprehension. Needless to say, I learned a lot from the school system, but much of it took place outside the classroom - on the playgrounds, in the lunch rooms, in the offices. It was the people, not the curriculum, that truly mattered. I came to the realization that I was not alone. There were students with far worse disabilities than my own, and there were staff members that legitimately cared for each and every one of them. It was a treasure trove of experiences, and at the end of the day, it matters not if they were good or bad ones. All that remains to be seen is whether or not something was learned from them. Life, itself, is an institution for learning. The ultimate school system. We pass on what we learn, and what we pass on gives others reason to learn." I wondered if he wrote that himself. There appeared to be a bit more to the inscription, but it was far too faded to read.
I turned to leave the cemetery when a voice unfamiliar to me called out and said, "Ami, granddaughter of Martha. I have waited a long time." I froze in place. I felt that all too common chill down the back of my spine. I turned ever so slowly to face the individual. I may not have recognized his voice, but I had certainly seen his face before. My tiny hands shook intensely as I once again pulled my grandmother's locket from my pocket. I opened the locket and held it before me. My eyes dilated. The individual said with the brightest of glows, "Ami, I am proud of you. Martha raised a very caring young woman. You truly made the world a better place." I said in shock, "Henry? Grandfather?" Henry began to laugh uncontrollably, collected himself and then said, "Sorry, I was just thinking of a funny joke one of my troop mates once told. Know this. I will always be with you, Ami. We are all one." A bright flash covered the cemetery in a magnificent light. When it eventually subsided, Henry was gone. I quietly made my way home. I felt as though a chapter of my life had finally come to a close...
As Chapter 2 comes to a close, take a look at yourself and then make a change.
Chapter 3: Bon Voyage
Now with more pomp and circumstance!
Part 1: Through the Years
The years have a peculiar way of escaping us. One day, you are an ever curious young girl exploring her grandmother's attic, and the next, you are a grandmother yourself. Each wrinkle is like a beautiful mark of the places you have been in your life. France, my birthplace. Memories of my grandmother and the fun times in Paris. Japan, the home of my adoptive parents, Pōru and Isabella. One of the most courteous and inviting countries in the world. Australia, a truly wondrous land with some of the most exotic creatures. I made so many new friends in my short time there. Those were good days. Africa, with its rich heritage and still thriving tribal lifestyles. I learned how to make a drum. England, my current home. The home of my children and grandchildren. Big Ben stood strong as one of the few remaining landmarks of the old world. The Great Earth Awakening of 2055, as it came to be known, may have altered our perception of reality, but we still needed to keep track of time. Every wrinkle.
My granddaughter, Akril Matthews, possessed great intuition about the world around her. She was also quite the artist. Akril would often paint beautiful pictures of her family and friends. She was especially fond of drawing her grandmother. I was never one to complain. The likeness was uncanny. My lovely brunette hair may have turned grey in recent years, but my eyes were just as hazel as they ever were. Akril even captured my French lips with exquisite attention to detail. I hung one of her drawings beside my bed. A reminder of her love, compassion and generosity. She was a very special little girl with a true heart of gold.
Akril came to me one day while I was sitting quietly on the porch of our house. She had drawn a few pictures of her new friends and she was eager to share them with me. Akril said in a loving voice, "What do you think of these, Grammy?" I carefully looked them over and said with a smile, "Stunning as usual, Akril. You're becoming a very talented artist. Why, some of these could be hanging in an art gallery one of these days. They're that go..." I froze upon slipping out the picture at the bottom of Akril's stack. It was a bearded gentleman with black hair, sparkling brown eyes, thick eyebrows and a smile as big as the moon. My eyes began to widen like never before. I had definitely seen this man somewhere before. I felt a strange vibration about the porch. My vision became ever so blurry. It was happening again. My surroundings grew ever more unfocused. The porch shifted and splintered. I felt a tremendous shaking beneath my feet. A sudden gust of wind blew past my face. It was followed thereafter by a bright blue-tinted light. I stood from the porch just as it vanished into an infinite abyss. It was happening again...
Part 2: The Gathering, Part II
My ears began to tingle. I could overhear several distinct voices. The very same voices from before. One of them said with a bright glow, "You are standing on the precipice of something far greater, but this feeling tells me you're not quite ready." The other being said dimly, "I didn't do enough. I couldn't make a real difference." A third being joined the gathering and said proudly, "You were never a failure in my eyes. Everyone just has a way of misunderstanding. As you said yourself, everything is in the eye of the beholder." The dimly lit being said with confidence, "I know what I have to do. As much as it pains me, the clustered sea of consciousness will have to wait a bit longer for my arrival." The proud being said with a degree of uncertainty, "Michael, are you sure about this?" Michael replied with assurance, "I know how much you detest the idea, Paul, but my work is not done." Paul said with great warmth of spirit, "You know I'll support you no matter what. I just want to be sure you're ready for this."
I felt a sudden breeze. A paved path laid before me. There were a few structures off in the distance. They appeared to possess blue eaves. The scent was unlike anything which I had experienced in my life. That includes the incense sticks of Japan's Tengoku Shrine. It was very musty. Almost like a campfire. Michael walked the path and said with a hint of sadness, "I'm going to miss this place of yours." Paul appeared and said proudly, "It's not going anywhere." He paused for what seemed like an eternity and then said with a bright glow, "I'm proud of you, son. I mean... do pronouns even matter anymore?" Michael chuckled and said with a smile, "I'll miss our conversations. We had some amazing adventures in this place, in the ether and in The Park." Paul said confidently but sadly, "Once you leave here, you won't remember any of this."
A sudden rush of wind thrust me forward. I was standing in a very peculiar place. I could just barely make out a chute of some kind. Michael was preparing to ride it back to Earth. Paul appeared one last time and said with the brightest of glows, "Bon voyage." Michael replied significantly less dim than he had before, "Au revoir pour l'instant. C'est la vie." He slid down the chute and came out the other side. A small town in France. A township named Mennecy. A happy mother held her newborn child for the very first time and said lovingly, "L'amour de ma vie. Ami. Ami Travers." A force greater than any other flung me back. All the way back to the porch. Akril said in an apparent panic, "Grammy, what's wrong?" I lifted my head from the floor and said, "People leave... and they come back..."
Part 3: Alka-Seltzer
As a woman of knowledge, the library was the first thought to cross my forever rattled mind. Yes, we still had those in the year 2120. I sought to learn everything I could about my past. I located an active computer interface terminal and sat down beside its artificial glow. I never understood these contraptions. In all my years of life, I found it easier to converse with people face to face. Written conversations have a tendency to be misinterpreted. They lack a certain emotional impact. Cyberspace was a mysterious place. Isabella once told me that Google used to be the law of the land. That is, until Disney stepped into the cyber wars. If I wanted to get anywhere with this damn machine, I had to first silence that annoying mouse.
I conducted a search under Michael's name. I knew his original surname through discussions with Pōru. Fewer results turned up than I expected. There was a male model by that name, but I was almost certain that had to be someone else. Just as I was about to give up hope, I came across an entry about Gridline Games and its storied history with plop! Incorporated. I was well aware of the latter. Pōru and Isabella worked there alongside Liam and his father, Mark Gillie. Plutonium became a successful subconscious virtual reality device in the late 2040s. Allowing participants to work together, in person, no matter their physical location in the world. Liam's Project Dandelion was an extension of this idea. It split a user's consciousness into several active layers and allowed them to work on multiple tasks simultaneously. There was some question about whether or not it played a role in the awakening. plop! Incorporated tried its very best to downplay these accusations.
In the beginning, there was Goalsoft. A humble if not misguided developer of independent computer games. Out of Michael's wayward aspirations came a somewhat endearing character named Bill Grig. A common man who rose to the status of space hero in the poorly written Space Ruckus games. In a cosmic turn of events, Goalsoft gave way to Gridline Games. Michael set his sights higher than he had before. With the help of Mark and a number of other individuals, Space Ruckus: The Great Invasion entered development. It was to be a far superior version of his previous work. Turmoil engulfed the ambitious project. Most of the developers later left over disagreements about its direction. In the end, only Michael and Mark remained. They watched over the ruins for many years to come. The keepers of the realm as it were. Mark eventually formed plop! Incorporated, while Michael sought a new life in Japan under the guise of Aratana Hajimari. He met Noemi one lonely day at Cherry Blossom Lake. They married and had Pōru a short time later. I felt as though I had learned everything I could. I had nothing to go on where it came to my real parents. As far as I was ever concerned, Pōru and Isabella were my real parents. I quietly left the library behind and made my way home...

Part 4: Love. Only Love
There is one day in particular I will never forget. The day Akril found my grandmother's locket. On that fateful day, Akril slowly approached me with the locket in hand. She said with wonder in her eyes, "Is this yours? I found it in your box of treasures." Akril handed me the locket and I held it tight. With tears in my eyes, I said, "There are things up there you wouldn't understand." Akril was wise beyond her years. She said in a loving voice, "But I do understand. The world's greatest treasures are not dresses or diamonds. They're memories." I collected myself and said, "When I was your age, I was a destructive force of nature. I, like so many others, lacked your keen insight." Akril tilted her head to one side. It was as if she was trying to picture her grandmother as a rambunctious child. She may have been wise beyond her years, but there were some things even she could not yet understand. I said with kindness of heart, "You found this. Take good care of it." From that day forward, the locket was entrusted into Akril's special care.
Parting is always such sweet sorrow. A marvelous ray of sunshine filled my room. Brightly coloured birds were humming a beautiful melody just outside my window. All the pretty flowers were in full bloom. I always found the violets of particular interest. Recalling an old saying from my childhood, I said aloud, "Roses are red, violets are purple, life is a circle." I began to laugh hysterically. How had I not thought of that little revision sooner. Those loving individuals standing beside my bed mumbled a few words. One of them said with confusion, "What does she mean?" A doctor said confidently, "It's always like this at the moment of transition. It's difficult to put into words." They gathered ever closer to my bedside and joined hands. A sense of intense euphoria filled the room. I felt goosebumps up and down the back of my spine. Electricity filled the air. Bright flashes basked the room in a magnificent white light. I had not experienced anything quite like this since the night of the awakening. I shouted, "C'est beau!" I felt as though I were sinking deeper and deeper inward. And yet, my awareness continued to intensify. It was as if our physical reality were just the outer shell of a far grander universe. It made me wonder. Was I truly ready for what lay ahead...
As Chapter 3 comes to a close, remember, I will always love you.
Chapter 0: The Sea Before Me
Now for something completely different!
Part 1: From Henry to Martha
Light. I was enshrouded in light. I felt a great sense of joy and peace, but more than anything, an overwhelming sense of love. It was a state of being not unlike nirvana. A bright and shining aura appeared to surround my very being. I was radiating pure energy. My awareness was ever expanding. If I wanted something brought to my attention, a single thought is all it required. With that in mind, I reached out across the cosmos. I was soaring over every star, or put more precisely, I was every star. Totality. It was a state of totality. Oneness with everything that ever was, is, or ever shall be. Most strangely, I possessed three hundred and sixty degree vision. It felt a bit like a fish-eye lens. I then had a somewhat harrowing thought. I was no longer the person known as Ami Travers. It was as if she had slipped away in the transition. A higher self had apparently taken charge of my ongoing experience. A higher self that was, it would seem, always present. I proceeded to center my thoughts on those who I had helped cross over. Martha, Ami's grandmother, was the first to enter my heightened state of mind.
I focused my energy on a high and very scenic plateau. A magnificent golden gate extended over the edge. Beyond which were a sea of sun drenched clouds. It was a majestic sight to behold. A soothing melody appeared to flow outward from the clouds. I felt a sense of peace and contentment as I approached the gate. The melody intensified in strength. A thought then occurred to me. I wondered if, once I entered, I could ever leave this place. A strong wind current blew me back. I fought the wind with every ounce of my being. Lightning began to spring forth from the clouds. I mustered strength from regions beyond myself. My higher self. The once scenic plateau trembled, splintered and collapsed into an infinite abyss. I was now standing on pure air. It would also seem that the storm had drowned out the melody. I finally surpassed the gate and entered into the realm beyond.
A very familiar voice called out to me, "Ami, you've changed. You've become a destructive force of nature." I said with a bright glow, "Martha? Gram gram's? Is that you?" Martha appeared before me and said sharply, "This is Heaven. You can't just waltz in here like you own the place." I said with the best of intentions, "None of that matters to me. I only wanted to see you. To see Henry. To ask you to join me." Martha said with certainty in her very soul, "Join you? Nobody ever leaves Heaven. What you're saying is blasphemy." The storm intensified like never before. It was clear that I was not welcome there. I centered my thoughts on the gate and said with the deepest unconditional love, "I will always love you, gram gram's. When I bring light to the far corners of the cosmos, I will remember the kindness you showed Ami Travers as a child. I will always remember your locket." As I passed through the gate into the great unknown, the storm began to subside. I was at a loss for words. There may be only one other being who still understood...
Part 2: Better Call Paul
A paved path laid before me. The very same path I had followed many times before. The recreational facilities were just as I remembered them. They possessed blue eaves and lights abound with great care. A reminder of festive, joyous times spent with family. Recalling the first time I laid eyes on this place, I said with a bright glow, "The sand. The breeze from the bay. That all too familiar campfire smell." The bay was bright blue, filled with sail boats and exotic fish of every variety, complete with a white shimmering sparkle when viewed from just the right angle. There were parks which bore flowers in every season and they appeared to be in full bloom. It would seem that the dock of infinite proportion had also remained the same. Although, I could never see it in its entirety. This was, for lack of a better term, Campworld on the Horizon. It was Paul's personal sanctuary. A place for him to unwind between energy assignments.
With a single thought, Paul appeared before me and said with warmth of spirit, "How was it?" I replied surrounded in light, "It was an eye opening experience." Paul said with delight, "I can see that. You're radiating with so much more light now. I almost didn't recognize you." He paused for the briefest of intervals and said, "Still, I sense something. You couldn't reach Martha." I replied with a dim glow, "I tried. She seems happy where she is." Paul said with immense intuition, "I already know what you're going to ask of me." I said with confidence, "This has always been about The Gathering. About the sea of opportunity that awaits beyond its meeting place." Paul said sharply, "You can't expect me to just leave all of this behind." It was a radical change in tone. I replied with the deepest unconditional love, "I don't know if I want to do this without you." Paul said with a firm tone, "You can leave any time you wish." With an overwhelming sense of defeat, I centered my thoughts on the path. Just as I was about to leave the sanctuary behind, Paul said while trying his best to contain himself, "Mikey, it was a joke. Of course I'll join you. This place was never anything more than a temporary state of being anyway." Paul reached out with loving rays and merged with my very essence. Our light, combined, grew stronger than ever. We set our sights on The Park. Our final destination before The Gathering.
Campworld began to decay almost instantly. Without someone to maintain the thought, it could not hold its form. The recreational facilities began to crack and crumble. The bay drained into itself, taking the sail boats and exotic fish with it. The majestic blooming flowers wilted and dissolved. The dock, which had previously stretched onward into infinity, began to fold inward. It was exposed in its entirety at long last. The Game Room flickered on and off, leaving the machines very much unresponsive. Wii Sports Bowling went forever dark. Never to be played again. The very ground, which was nothing more than a cobbled together idea to begin with, trembled before collapsing into an infinite abyss. As Paul once said himself, "It's not as simple as walking into another room. It's not as simple as before." Campworld was no more...
Part 3: Bob
We found ourselves in The Park, otherwise known as The Reception Center. A place created by a hive of enlightened minds to ease the trauma of those recently departed from physical reality. The Park included centers for education, healing, life review, planning and even humour. It was very much like a college campus, but there was a certain spark of energy about the air. It was a vast and wondrous wellspring of knowledge and understanding. Individuals moved about swiftly from place to place. A few fuzzy structures stood before us. They were not solid structures, but they became more palpable the longer one held their thoughts on them. They almost appeared to glide about at times. We centered our thoughts on the healing center. A few old friends were waiting for us there.
As we made our way into the energetic halls of the healing center, another voice called out to me, "Heshe." It was Bob Monroe, the first human to document The Park. He was being witty as per usual. I had, after all, been both a man and a woman in previous lives. Bob said with a lukewarm glow, "Pōru and Isabella are doing just fine. It's Noemi I am worried about. She seems to think she's still in her house in Japan." We proceeded to enter into Noemi's thoughts. My old zen garden was still sprouting, but there was something strange about it. We passed into the living room in which Noemi was sitting in an old rocking chair. She appeared to be swaying back and forth to no end. I sat down beside her and said with a bright glow, "Noemi, you look as lovely as the day I first laid eyes on you. I know, I say that every day, but I mean those words truly." Noemi said with a smile across her face, "Aratana? Michael? But, wait. You're not really here. You crossed over." I said lovingly, "I'm here with you now, and I will be for as long as you need me." Noemi said in despair, "Why did you not come to see me sooner? I've waited in this house for so many years." I said while reaching out, "Sometimes, we are needed elsewhere. Believe me, if it were up to me, I never would have left your side. You were the love of my life. Just when I thought I might never meet that special someone, you came along and sat beside me at Cherry Blossom Lake." Noemi said with a degree of uncertainty, "How can I be sure it's really you?" I said with the brightest of glows, "Who else would it be? Do you think I say these things for my health? You were the only girl who ever went for this hopeless romantic stuff." Noemi began to emit a dim glow. She reached out to me with loving embrace. Our light, combined with Paul's, soared to all new highs. Bob shouted, "Bravo!"
Pōru and Isabella joined us back in the healing center. Having previously glimpsed these realms in lucid dreams, they found it easier to acclimate themselves. Pōru did, however, appear somewhat uneasy about the revelation that I was Ami Travers. He said with a grin, "At first, I was like, no, that's not true. That's impossible." Isabella seemed to agree with his sentiment. It was a valid response. I replied lovingly, "Every minute. As I said in your dreams, I was there for every minute. When you want something bad enough, nothing can stand in your way. So long as you have love in your heart of hearts. Life truly is a cosmic journey." Pōru said with a dim glow, "I wish I could join you on your continued journey. Isabella and I have decided to remain and be of service to others here in The Park. This new world needs just as much, if not more, humour as the old one." I extended a ray of light and said, "Pauly, we will always be together in spirit. As someone once told me, we are all one. Let us create enough light and love that no being should ever walk through darkness again." Pōru and Isabella felt invigorated. Their journey may have lied along a different path, but it was important all the same.
Upon returning to the outskirts of The Park, a familiar individual said with kindness, "Ami, granddaughter of Martha. I have waited a long time." Henry had found himself in The Park after crossing over from the Earth energy system. He said with a hint of sadness, "I would join you on your journey, but I need to be there for Martha now. True love never dies. It only transforms." Henry phased inward unto the realms beyond The Park. For you, my love. From Henry to Martha. Our business there was now concluded. It was time to rejoin The Gathering. It was time to enter the Clustered Sea...
Part 4: The Gathering, Part III
Paul, Noemi and I passed into and through the ether. A dense and unbound region of innerspace populated in sole by oscillating soundwaves and auras of bright light. A place where weary travellers would often find themselves shortly after the death of their physical body. Often overpowering to newcomers, the auras encompassed a rich and full color spectrum. We centered our thoughts on The Gathering and emerged before a marvelous array of stars. It was the totality of everything that had come before. All of creation from the perspective of a titan. A lone being said with a bright glow, "You are standing on the precipice of something far greater." I said with a collective light that defied description, "I'm ready. We're ready." The being said with a magnificent spark of light, "I've waited a very long time for you to say that. You were always a tortured soul, but you had and still have so much potential." It became clear in that moment that the being was none other than Refael. I said with immense curiosity, "There's just one thing I need to know. Are you God?" Refael said with what appeared to be a chuckle, "I am but a humble servant of these Earthly realms. That which you have inferred is beyond all form or substance. Beyond the capacity for mere words or thoughts. You still have a long journey ahead."
We prepared to enter the Clustered Sea. It was a sea unlike any other. It was a living, breathing sea of consciousness. If not for our newly enriched auras, it would have been far too bright to glimpse in its entirety. Refael's parting words would be somewhat cryptic to anyone who was not in The Gathering's attendance. He said with great enthusiasm, "Make it a good one." We entered into and merged with the Clustered Sea. The resulting flash of light blinded even Refael. It was so bright and majestic, it was even witnessed from The Park, the realm beyond the former plateau and the far corners of the cosmos. A powerful rush of energy surged through the very fabric of reality. A shift in vibration was felt almost instantaneously. It was another awakening, but this time, an awakening of the astral planes. The light continued to grow until it had encompassed all of creation. Oh, but this was not the end. No, this was only the beginning...
Part 5: Genesis II: Electric Boogaloo
In the beginning, there was darkness. Darkness which filled the void later to be known as the universe. A wondrous formation appeared in the center of that void. It came to be known as light, and it was the source of all things. It was a beautiful light; one which would eventually spread throughout the entire cosmos. Solid masses began to take shape. They came to be known as planets and stars. But the most wondrous thing of all had yet to happen. Life! The breath of life, the very essence of being in the new world, gave way to living organisms of all shapes, sizes and colors. It was simply majestic to behold. Soon, a species capable of great intellect appeared. They came to be known as Orthians. They were initially confused by the light. They would come to give it many different names. Zendar being one of the most common. The Orthians would ultimately settle on a more atheistic set of philosophies, but they were loved all the same.
Orth, fifth planet of the lonely Zeboran system. Home to a relatively peaceful race of bipeds, having just begun to harness the power of the universe for their enrichment and evolution. The proud Orthian race will establish orbital bases in neighboring systems, and even colonize a few previously inhospitable planets. Their mission is one of exploration, growth and sustainability. It was a joy and a privilege to witness their first steps into space. As though they were a fish out of water, taking to the air like an eagle and soaring off into the horizon. It is a most important and exhilarating time in Orth's history. For an Orthian child has just been born that will one day rise to the status of space hero. His name is Billimous Zavior Grig. To Bess and Marcus Grig, his loving parents, he is simply Bill. From the delivery ward of the Ormound Quasan Rejuvenation Center, in a bustling metropolis known as Pascenic District, the happy couple greet their newborn son. Bess says of him, "He has your eyes, orb pie!" Marcus smiles with pride in his heart and says, "And he has your nose, Bessie!" Bess looks upon her handsome husband, turns ever so slightly and then looks back toward her baby. With tears of joy, she says of him, "Maybe one day, he will even have your mustache!" True love never dies. It only transforms...
As Chapter 0 comes to a close, look to the skies, for a new beginning is on the rise.
The day began just like any other. A 22nd century artist and visionary began his morning meditation ritual with a cup of tea resting beside him. He closed his eyelids and focused on his breathing technique. Shallow breaths followed by long, deep breaths. He chanted "Ohm" upon the release of each breath. Scattered visualizations appeared before him. He simply allowed them to pass. Eventually, he became alone within his mind. All was calm, silent and still. There was darkness, therefore he made light. An old rustic door appeared at the end of a long and very ancient corridor. He ever so slowly made his way toward the door. He cautiously turned the handle, and to his surprise, he bore witness to the collapse of the plateau, the events in the realm beyond, The Park, The Gathering and the formation of the new cosmos. He felt the same rush of energy as those on the astral planes. He fell back suddenly, nearly tipping his cup of tea in the process. He took a sip from the cup and proceeded to write down everything he had seen in his vision. A friend of his began to knock on his door. He said with a smile, "John, are you home?" John would be busy for quite awhile to come.
Dedicated to all those creative and passionate souls who have come before, and to all those who are yet to be. Life offers a treasure trove of experiences, and at the end of the day, it matters not if they were good or bad ones. All that remains to be seen is whether or not something was learned from them. Life, itself, is an institution for learning. The ultimate school system. We pass on what we learn, and what we pass on gives others reason to learn. Pass it on.
Ami Travers Timeline
September 22nd, 2046: Ami Travers is born in Mennecy, France; the reincarnation of "Aratana Hajimari," who died in 2052. September 22nd, 2046 being the day in which he crossed over prematurely.
February 5th, 2052: Ami discovers her grandmother's locket in her grandparents' attic. It reveals a startling truth about her grandmother's past.
February 12th, 2052: One week after finding the locket, Ami asks her grandmother about its meaning. Her grandmother explains that the man in the picture was her first husband who had died in the war. He was Ami's true grandfather.
April 14th, 2055: Ami's grandmother has a sudden heart attack while tending to her garden. She cries out for her granddaughter as she stumbles to the ground. She is dead in a matter of minutes.
July 17th, 2055: Ami follows a group of orphans into Disneyland Paris on the day of The Great Earth Awakening. She reunites with her grandmother in Fantasyland, but eventually loses her in the crowd. She is found by Pōru and Isabella.
May, 2062: Ami continues her life with parents Pōru and Isabella. She spent the last seven years in Japan. Ami experiences her first vision of The Gathering.
2067: Ami, having come of age, travels to Australia for a short period of time. She makes a number of new friends in the process. That same year, she spends a few weeks in Africa, learning from the tribal communities. She learns how to make a drum (among other things).
2072: Ami marries and moves to London, England. Just a hop and a skip away from where she began in France. Details of her marriage are somewhat scarcely known to this writer.
2120: Ami has become a grandmother herself. She watches over her granddaughter, Akril Matthews. Akril draws a picture of Paul, and in turn, this triggers Ami's final vision.
2121: Ami "transitions" surrounded by loved ones. A luxury not all have the fortune of.
Just Another Day Will Return!
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