A Day at fizz! Inc. was originally intended to be the spiritual successor to the first Just Another Day story. Positioning Mark's son, Liam, not only as the lead character, but the new boss of plop! Plutonium(tm) operations. This story instead became the basis for the "Project Dandelion" story in Just Another Day 2: Perchance to Dream, with Liam himself appearing full-time for only one chapter. Somehow, I never found a place for the sassy Ms. Espresso in Just Another Day 2. The original chapter titles were a tongue-in-cheek reference to the classic computer game, Doom.
Chapter 1: Knee Deep in the Living
Part 1: The Real
The day began just like any other. I awoke from my plop! Plutonium(tm) induced sleep to find a notification on my Google Contact retina display. Isabella, a fellow co-worker, had written a painstaking report on the state of fizz! Incorporated's ongoing research and development for Project Dandelion. I fully intended to give her report the attention it deserved, but not before my morning espresso. As I entered into the kitchen, I heard a familiar voice say, "Good morning, G-Man. The usual?" It was my never disappointing Ms. Espresso machine. My daily jump start with just a hint of sassiness. I replied rather humorously, "You know how I like it, baby." Ms. Espresso quickly responded, "One extra fizzy espresso coming up, buttercup." I sat down at the usual bar stool beside the counter and proceeded to browse through the day's news on my retina display: "Martian settlers found to be engaging in illegal activity on the red planet." "Consumption of food linked to aging process, one scientific study finds." "Honey Boo Boo is pregnant again; with her seventh child, Bubble Gum." "Disneyland Resort announces plans for their centennial celebration set to kick off on July 17th, 2055." That is mainstream news for you. A mixed bag.
Ms. Espresso dinged before jubilantly saying, "Wheee, your espresso is ready! I feel so much lighter now!" I reached out for the cup, firmly gripping it by the handle, to avoid last week's embarrassing incident. I said to my darling espresso machine, "Thank you, dear." Ms. Espresso replied softly, "Ms. Espresso is now in power save mode." Touché. I took a sip from my drink and then opened Isabella's report on Project Dandelion. "Greetings, G-Man. I am forwarding, posthaste, my report for May 4th, 2055. Project Dandelion is showing signs of great potential. The extra time in which Peter devoted to programming and calibrating the quantum super computer has really paid off. Before I continue, however, it has come to my attention that a number of fizz! employees have been utilizing our virtual office space for slightly inappropriate conduct. We operate a wholesome organization and I, like yourself, would not want to see this appear in the latest news headline." I saved my place in the report and returned to the other room. plop! Plutonium had proved itself a valuable asset over the years. So much so that the need for a physical office became non-existent. We could simply program a virtual office, project our subconscious minds there and work from anywhere in the world. But as it would seem, the virtual office is not without the same tomfoolery of an old fashioned office. It was time to jack back into plop! Plutonium and join the rest of my colleagues...
Part 2: Enter fizz! Incorporated
The simulated day began just like any other. I commuted to work via Gillietown's Maglev train. It was an especially quiet trip. I could only assume the fizz! crew was already at the office. A computerized voice announced the upcoming destination; my stop for this virtual session. "Now arriving at fizz! Incorporated Station. Please watch your step as you exit the train, and enjoy your stay here at the Dis-" Static filled the airwaves. The voice had been suddenly cut off. Strange. I made a mental note to later examine the programming. I slowly made my way toward the office. In doing so, I prepared myself for the worst. plop! Plutonium: The Porno was not high on my itinerary. As I entered, I overheard a fellow crew member whisper, "There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?" Before I could even say a word, a barrage of phaser blasts made me duck for cover. One rather gutsy colleague jumped from desk to desk while screaming, "I have a very bad feeling about this!" That makes two of us. Leave it to this team to reenact a forty year old Disney movie. I quickly unplugged a power cord from a nearby terminal, reached for a paper clip, and upon straightening it, proceeded to insert into the live wire. Kids, do not try this at home! I felt a slight jolt, but was otherwise unaffected. This was still a simulation, after all. The system, however, was a bit unprepared to handle the force. A power spike was imminent. The room began to destabilize. Desks phased in and out of view, lights flickered on and off and the walls returned to their textureless wireframing. Best of all, those annoying phasers were now gone. "You're such a buzz kill, G-Man! We were just having a little fun." That fun loving crewman was Blake, fizz! Incorporated's lead tester.
Chapter list, per original plans:
Chapter 1: Knee Deep in the Living
Chapter 2: The Shores of Heaven
Chapter 3: In Kyoto
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